“Accident Friday”

It’s Friday

Yay…… It’s Friday, with no incidents or even near misses for the week. That’s the way we do it. But it does not matter how many safety procedures and processes you put in place Friday just before home time the phone rings reporting an accident. Has this ever happen to you, can you relate to this.

Health and Safety seem to disappear on a Friday, it’s time to get the job done and go home to enjoy a well-deserved weekend. As we all know the last hour on a Friday is the “Accident” hour.

Let’s be honest everybody is exhausted by the time we get to Friday even though we have a strange sense of happiness and cannot wait to go home and start the weekend.

How do we change accident Friday into “Happy Health and Safety Friday”? Sometimes it seems impossible but don’t despair there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s have a look at some interesting ways we can achieve this.

How about we have a safety meeting on a Friday afternoon, but who wants to sit in a boardroom and listen to a safety talk. Especially on a Friday. How do we make a Friday afternoon safety meeting fun and learn at the same time?

We always remember something if it’s fun, like those educational holidays we sometimes take without realizing.

A Friday Safety Meeting Idea:

Divide the team into a few smaller teams, grab the Health and Safety Procedure and let the teams demonstrate a few items from emergency escape to injuries. Reward the best team’s performance. This can become an every Friday Fun Safety Meeting.

Idea for next weeks “Happy Health and Safety Friday” meeting, let the teams come up with funny safety slogans for example; 

Safety First, unless you late”

Have a Safe Friday from the Arclight Training Academy Team

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